Furnace Articles

Why Isn’t My Furnace Heating My Entire Home?

December 30, 2024
Why Isn’t My Furnace Heating My Entire Home? Photo of a family of three freezing in their home, huddled under a blanket to keep warm.

If your furnace seems to be producing heat inconsistently around your Beaverton home to you, you’re not alone. Many homes have varied conditions from room to room, causing spotty heating or cooling.

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5 Tips to Avoid Major Heating Problems This Oregon Winter

November 20, 2024
5 Tips to Avoid Major Heating Problems This Oregon Winter. Photo of a young couple in their home, freezing and sitting by a furnace to keep warm.

While winters in Portland can be cold, wet, and unpredictable, Sun Glow Home Services can help ensure your heating system works efficiently and consistently.

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How Does My Gas Furnace Work?

November 15, 2024
Heating season. The use of gas as heating at home in winter, the cold season. The concept, the model of the house stands near the flame of a gas boiler.

Our team at Sun Glow Home Services could help you save big bucks on your monthly utility bill by performing a furnace replacement.

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What’s That Smell Coming From My Furnace?

October 30, 2024
What’s That Smell Coming From My Furnace? Concerned senior man holding his phone and looking out of the window.

If your furnace is producing a strange smell, you should always treat it with caution. While the cause for the odor may be benign, it could just as easily be harmful to inhale. When in doubt, always open windows to ensure ventilation, and evacuate your Gresham home.

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How Can I Make My Furnace Last Longer?

January 15, 2024
How Can I Make My Furnace Last Longer? Man checking unit.

The average furnace lasts between 10 and 15 years. But did you know you can take steps to make it last longer? There is no shortcut or hack to increase your furnace’s longevity. 

In reality, the key is treating your Beaverton system with care and respect. With just a small amount of time and energy, you can ensure your furnace will live well beyond its warranty.

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What Are the Different Types of Furnaces?

December 15, 2023
What Are the Different Types of Furnaces? A lovely couple sitting on the sofa and playing with their dog. Everybody is smiling.

Furnaces are available in many shapes, sizes, and price points. The best choice will come down to your home’s size and heating needs. To find the perfect fit, schedule a preliminary visit with one of our Sun Glow, Inc. specialists. They can audit your Oregon home to determine the size of furnace you need. From there, you can narrow it down until you’ve found the perfect heating unit for your home requirements and budget.

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How to Spot a Cracked Heat Exchanger

November 15, 2023
How to Spot a Cracked Heat Exchanger. Caucasian male coughs in his elbow while sitting on sofa at home. Correct sneezing. Concept of stop spread of the virus.

In your gas furnace, the heat exchanger is made of metal coils designed to absorb and transfer heat. The most common cause of a cracked heat exchanger is overheating. Issues that can cause overheating include poor maintenance, a clogged air filter, combustion problems, or worn-out pressure valves.

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Why Is My Furnace Filter Soggy?

January 27, 2023
Why Is My Furnace Filter Soggy? Image of dirty air filter.

You have just inspected your air filter, only to find it is sopping wet! Thoughts begin to race through your head, and you ask yourself, Is my furnace breaking down? or Is this going to be expensive to repair? Fortunately, there is no need for panic.

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What Does AFUE Mean?

November 29, 2022
A couple looks at a paper together. What Does AFUE Mean?

Typically the ratings or percentages you’ll see on new furnaces range from 80 to 100 percent (contingent upon the fuel type of furnace).

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What Are Furnace Filters?

October 14, 2022
A furnace filter with a white background. What Are Furnace Filters?

A way to provide you with desirable indoor air quality (IAQ) in your Oregon home is to consistently replace or clean the furnace filter.

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How Can I Make My Furnace Last Longer?

February 10, 2022
happy couple on couch

The average furnace lasts between 10 and 15 years. But did you know you can take steps to make it last longer?

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Why Isn’t My Furnace Heating My Entire Home?

January 31, 2022
Young man suffering from cold at his home

Many homes have varied conditions from room to room causing spotty heating or cooling. Here’s seven furnace issues that can cause this.

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When Do I Know It’s Time to Buy a New Furnace?

January 20, 2022
Replace Furnace

If you’re wondering whether or not to buy a new furnace, our team would like to help. Here are some signs to start saving for a new furnace.

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What’s That Sound Coming From My Furnace?

December 23, 2021
Portrait of a student woman sitting at the desk

It’s normal for your furnace to make some noise. However, louder noises might spell trouble for your furnace unit’s components.

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What’s That Smell Coming From My Furnace?

December 10, 2021
Nice young girl pinched her nose because of some very unpleasant smell.

If your furnace is producing a strange smell, treat it with caution. To help, here’s a list of five common furnace smells and what they mean.

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Why Is My Furnace Leaking Water?

November 10, 2021
Young couple in wellington boots on flooded floor

You just discovered there is a puddle of water on the floor in front of your furnace. What does this mean? Why would your furnace be leaking water?

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7 Furnace Maintenance Tips

October 20, 2021
Furnace Maintenance

The last thing you want when the weather takes a turn toward winter is a broken furnace. To help, use these furnace maintenance tips.

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Schedule Your Annual Furnace Inspection Now

September 30, 2021
Technician at Work

Ready to schedule your annual furnace inspection? The HVAC experts at Sun Glow are eager to help.

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What’s the Difference Between My Furnace Fan Settings—ON and AUTO?

February 26, 2021
Furnace Settings

There are furnace-fan settings on your thermostat for ON and AUTO. Which option is the best choice? There are devotees of both settings, each believing their setting is the optimal one to choose.

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6 Ways Your Furnace Keeps You Safe

February 12, 2021
Happy Family in Kitchen

From our team here at Sun Glow Home Services, here are six ways your furnace is working to ensure your safety.

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What to Do When There Is No Heat in Your Home

December 21, 2020
Cold Couple

If you have no heat in your home, there may be a simple solution to your problem. To try it, follow these diagnosis tips.

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What Is Short Cycling?

December 10, 2020

Our team wants you to know all about short cycling, why it can be harmful and costly, the cause, and what you can do.

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Tips to Troubleshoot Your Thermostat

November 23, 2020
Man Fixing Thermostat

If your home’s heating or cooling system stops working, it might be your thermostat. Here are some troubleshooting tips.

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5 Reasons to Schedule a Fall Furnace Clean and Check

September 16, 2020
Cozy Home Interior

Fall is here, so you may need service on your furnace. Our team wants to share five reasons why should schedule a clean and check.

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What Are the Basics of Furnace Filters?

February 10, 2020
Furnace Filters

Furnace filters. They’re one of those items not really on the top of everyone’s minds, but they are important and can have a big impact. At Sun Glow Heating & Cooling, we know with the right furnace filter, you can save money and improve your Portland indoor air quality (IAQ) in one fell swoop. What…

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Is My Furnace Overheating?

January 27, 2020
Hot Thermometer

Just about any electrical appliance has the potential to overheat. Furnaces are no exception. As a homeowner, you need to take precautions to lower the risk of an overheated unit. You should also be wary of the associated symptoms, so you know when to take action. Remember, if your system gets too hot, you should…

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What Are Signs I Need a New Furnace?

January 13, 2020
New Furnace Installation

A furnace is a major investment for any Portland homeowner. Although it’s not something that will need to be done frequently, most people will face the decision of needing to purchase a new heating system sometime during home ownership.  Our team at Sun Glow Heating & Cooling wants you to understand how your furnace works…

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Why Is My Furnace Blowing Cold Air?

December 17, 2019
Man drinking coffee with a blanket around him

Did you finally turn your furnace on this winter only to have cold air blowing out of your vents? Or did your furnace stop working just when you started to need it most? There are a few reasons your furnace may be blowing cold air, and there a few things to check before you need…

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